Does Your Toddler Bring Toys to School?
This blog post isn’t SEO marketing related – it’s completely motherhood related! My son attends preschool and has been since May. Recently, he’s been wanting to bring a car toy to school everyday. His teachers said it distracts him and causes him not to listen, and he’s just focused on the toy. It’s REALLY hard to get him to leave a car at home for our drive, so I usually let him bring it on the drive. But then he walks into school with it and won’t give it to me.
The teachers said something to me (again) about bringing outside toys into school. Of course, my toddler had a meltdown when I took it away. I’m thinking about other ways to fulfil his want to bring something to school. Any thoughts? I thought of a few things:
- Gifts like a piece of paper he drew for his teachers (I feel like he’d be excited to give them something?) I’m thinking about getting a new coloring book, I feel like he’d be excited about that!
- A breakfast snack. Sometimes he will eat a banana on the way to school and forget about the car.
- Do I let him play with my phone on the way to school? Will that distract him enough? That is my last resort!
Any tips or ideas you have, please send my way!